下载附件如要申请,请点击以下附件,下载申请模版,填写完毕后请发送邮件至 admin@123.com
下载附件Requirements: Faculty member from a well-known overseas university or research institute, with significant scientific achievements and extensive international influence.
Expected to stay more than nine weeks for a period of three years at the Center with a possibility of renewing the membership three years later subject to mutual interests.
Expected to actively initiate research activities and collaborations, including giving seminars and lectures, organizing workshops and conferences, and jointly conducting research projects.
Requirements: Scientists from a well-known overseas university or research institute, with significant scientific achievements and extensive international influence.
Expected to actively initiate research activities and collaborations, including giving seminars and lectures, organizing workshops and conferences, and jointly conducting research projects.
Candidates for the visiting programs shall get recommendation from SLAB (Songshan Lake Materials Lab) or IOP (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) researchers, or apply directly to the following contact. The following application materials are needed.
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