Spin Dynamics in Health Engineering

Group Leader:Weng Kung, PENG


◆ Professor
◆ Principal Investigator
◆ Research Group Leader
◆ Doctoral supervisor

Research Direction

Unification of technological innovations (e.g., point-of-care technology, machine learning, smart material) to be useful for Personalized Medicine and Population Health.

Main Achievemnets

Prior to joining SSLAB, he was a Research Scientist at SMART, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Research Group Leader at International Iberian Nanotechnology.

Group Members



Research Theme

Personalized medicine has always been associated with genomic medicine due to the ´hype´ The Human Genome Project. Genetic contributions to different diseases, however, were found to be varied and often had very little impact, with non-genetic factors such as macro- (e.g., environmental risks) and microenvironment (e.g., microbiome) having much greater attributable risks. Thus, the key goals to understanding human health and disease depend on the ability to access the ‘genotype-phenotype correlogram´ through multi-omics platform and the success of translating technological innovations (e.g., machine learning, smart material) into the next generation of precision medicine.

Our research focuses on addressing the unprecedented challenges (and opportunities) by introducing a novel class of multidimensional time-domain NMR-based ´molecular signature´ of biological fluids with respect to its´ various pathological states. We demonstrated that highly unique and specific `molecular signature´ in single drop of blood can be rapidly typed (in minutes) using home-built NMR spectrometer. Liquid biopsies (e.g., blood) holds great promises in clinical medicine as it provides multiple global snapshot information non-invasively for disease management in uniquely personalized manner.

Figure 1 – Unification of technological innovations (e.g., point-of-care technology, machine learning, smart material) to be useful for Personalized Medicine and Population Health.


Top 5 representative articles

  1. Clustering NMR: Machine learning assisted rapid two-dimensional relaxometry mapping, Engineering Reports, e183283 (2021).  

Featured in INL website


  1. Machine learning assisted 2D NMR Correlational Spectroscopy for Rapid,  Label free Molecular Phenotyping for Blood”, Communications Biology 3, 535 (2020).

 INL team developed QR-code for blood

In RTP 1 – Bom Dia Portugal | 29-09-2020

In RTP Online | 29-09-2020

Featured in Correio do Minho.pt


  1. Functional Phenotyping of Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus, npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease6, 11 (2020).

Featured in myDiabetes

Featured in Portuguese Publico.Pt

INL researchers discovered new insights into diabetes

Featured in Bom Dia Europa

Featured in INL website


  1. Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for label-free, rapid malaria diagnosis, Nature Medicine, 20, 1096 (2014).

Foreign Policy: A World Disrupted: For Using Magnets Beat Malaria.

Passport Health USA: New Device to Diagnose Malaria in Minutes.

The Guardian: Breakthrough in rapid diagnostics: using magnets to test for malaria.

The Strait Times: New test fast-tracks diagnosis for malaria.

Bangkok Post: New test fast-tracks diagnosis for malaria.


Award: Top 100 Leading Global Thinkers 2014 (Category "Healers") organized by Foreign Policy, Chevron Corporation


  1. Development of miniaturized, portable magnetic resonance relaxometry system for point-of-care medical diagnosis, Rev. Sci. Instrum 83, 095115 (2012).

Technology.org: A New Way to Diagnose Malaria.

MIT News: A New Way to Diagnose Malaria.

HealthCanal: A New Way to Diagnose Malaria.

Machineslikeus: A New Way to Diagnose Malaria.


Global Scientific Awards and Media Highlights

2021 Invited to Editorial Board Members of Scientific Reports, Nature Research

2020 Featured in The Sun Daily and China Press

2020 Top 5% (all-time) online attention - research output ranked by Almetric

2018 China 1000 Youth Talent Plan

2015 Featured in Scientific Malaysian Magazine 2015

2014 100 Leading Global Thinkers 2014

Category: A World Disrupted - Category 'HEALERS'

Publisher: Chevron Corporation´s Foreign Policy magazine recognizes the world's pre-eminent thought leaders and public intellectuals in an annual issue, "100 Leading Global Thinkers". The editors of Foreign Policy select the 100 global thinkers based on their standout contributions over the previous year and their ability to translate ideas into action that change and shape the world. Honourees include a range of leaders, and innovators around the world, such as Jennifer Doudna (CRISPR), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), and Jack Ma (Alibaba.com).